More Rohingya children in Bangladesh are able to go to school because of the work of aid groups. It is in charge of 17 camps with a total of 573 classrooms and 1,235 learning centers in the neighborhood. For this reason, it works with non-profits like UNHCR. This is great news because a lot of refugee kids go to these preschools, kindergartens, and grade schools.
Rohingya Children in Bangladesh: That’s all it comes down to in Myanmar.
The government of Bangladesh agreed to use the Myanmar Curriculum starting in January 2020. A lot has changed. By the end of 2022, more than 18,400 of the 37,500 students who switched from the Learning Competency Framework and Approach to the Myanmar Curriculum will have been girls. The Education Sector and the UNHCR want to make it possible for more students to follow the Myanmar Curriculum by 2023.
Rohingya Children in Bangladesh: Giving teens and young adults choice
Instead of just hanging out, young refugees are taking classes that will prepare them for work. Kids learn read, write, and do simple math as part of these lessons. These are all important life skills. Students, mostly teens and young adults, have turned to online certification programs from some of the best colleges in the world, which they can access through sites like EdX and Coursera.
Getting your running shoes ready
It’s a big job to make sure that people have the skills they need to be good teachers. Heads of schools and professional officers from partner groups can become Master Trainers through a six-month program run by Bard College and BRAC University. This course has been completed by 168 Master Trainers, which is great. During that time, more than 2,000 teachers from both the host community and the Rohingya community learned how to be good teachers.
Calling on people to help out
Everyone needs to work together for schooling to happen. Sixty-nine Community Education Support Groups (CESG) have been formed through working together. Teachers depend on the help of people in the community and parents who are involved in these groups. These people also help plan events that show students how important school is and push them to go.
Rohingya Children in Bangladesh: What comes next: after 2023
As we move into the year 2023, giving Rohingya children the chance to go to school is very important. There will be more work done to improve the Myanmar Curriculum so that teachers have the skills they need to do their jobs well and so that teens and young adults have more chances to learn. People in the community are taking part, and the UNHCR and its partners are working together. This is good news for the schooling of Rohingya people in Bangladesh.-COIN303